An ethical lab diamond is...
Beauty created through innovative, sustainable practice.
what is a diamond?
A diamond is a crystalline form of the element carbon, the basis of life on our planet and the hardest mineral found in nature. Diamonds created by nature are elementally identical to those grown in a laboratory. They are created by humankind to recreate what is created by nature and time.

nature & technology
A diamond is a diamond no matter how it is made. Jus as ice is ice, whether millions of years old from the polar ice caps, or made by you overnight in your freezer. The beauty and simplicity of the ice you have made, is that it is sustainable and it doesn't represent a history of environmental and social harm.
Diamonds ‘are forever’ not just because DeBeers told us they are, but because they are a symbol of life. We literally map the historical age of artefacts and explore history through looking at carbon. So, the fact that we can create diamonds is truly a beautiful way to honour and respect an earth positive take on the foreverness of a diamond. There is a reverence to the beauty of a diamond, and it’s more than a history of something coveted, it's a reverence for the earth and life itself.